Perfecting The Journey – The Series Daniel Henney on Acting

TUMI, the leading internationaltravel and lifestyle brand today released the first instalment of its upcoming PerfectingThe Journey – The Series. The first film features Korean-American actor Daniel Henney.As part of TUMI’s perpetual pursuit of perfection though innovation, the brand drawsinspiration from fields outside its own. Each impactful episode of Perfecting The Journey– The Series investigates the never-ending drive toward perfecting a specific craft. ForDaniel Henney, achieving the “perfect scene” is his ultimate goal as an actor.
This installment of the series, directed by Jon Clements, offers an inside look at DanielHenney’s creative process when preparing for a scene, from character research to themoment he steps in front of the camera. We learn about the challenges he faces, howhe works toward his goal, and about the impossible-to-repeat alchemy that must occurto capture the kind of scene that becomes legendary. As he explains, it’s impossible toperfect acting — but that’s exactly what motivates him to keep pursuing it.It is this constant process of improvement that ultimately shapes and changes cultureat large. Perfection, it turns out, is just an idea — the journey toward it is what’simportant.
In the film, Daniel selects some of his favorite lightweight bags from the HarrisonCollection including the Osborn Roll Top Backpack and the Gregory Sling. Relaunchedthis Spring, Harrison is a lightweight, stylish and minimalistic collection that deliversmajor functionality with clean silhouettes in lightweight nylon and pebbled leather.
Daniel’s Harrison Osborn Roll Top Backpack is his go-to bag when shooting on locationin a new city. Often leaving before the sun comes up and not returning until late atnight – he packs everything he needs for the day including workout clothes for the gymbefore shooting starts, as well as food, scripts, his laptop and more. The Gregory Slingis his choice for days off, where he can explore his new surroundings, keeping hisvaluables and daily essentials close to hand.Other bags from the Harrison collection featured in this campaign include theWarren Backpack and the Bradner Backpack.
“I love my TUMI backpacks. They are durable, resilient, resourceful,” says DanielHenney. “There's a pocket for everything and I never have to worry about getting themtoo scuffed up or ripped open. I've got TUMI bags from years ago that I can still usebecause they're so tough. And that's who I like to see myself as, as a person and as anactor—someone who can get through anything, someone who is tough and resilient.”Running alongside the film, the campaign also includes a number of key visuals, whichsee Daniel travelling with TUMI’s newest lightweight travel collection – 19 DegreePolycarbonate. Exclusive to Asia-Pacific, this collection of new stylish, lightweight yettough travel cases are designed to elevate the journey to the next level. Thebeautifully-designed and sophisticated exterior is paired with an assortment of newfeatures all designed to further perfect the journey, including expansion capabilities, aUSB Power port, extra security and upgraded wheel and handle systems for theultimate convenience and comfort.
“An absolute must when I travel for work, which can sometimes be at a moment’snotice. TUMI luggage is the first item I grab and the security of knowing it’s going tohold everything that’s important to me halfway around the world and back, is priceless,”Daniel shares, discussing his hectic travel schedule as an actor.“We see Daniel as a true global citizen always striving to perfect his journey,” saysVictor Sanz, Creative Director of TUMI. “Knowing the passion we both share for ourcrafts made it easy to connect with him on a deeper level. I’m excited to share the firstepisode in this incredible new series and look forward to sharing more to come.”The film will run globally across TUMI’s digital and social channels, including Instagram,Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
This installment of the series, directed by Jon Clements, offers an inside look at DanielHenney’s creative process when preparing for a scene, from character research to themoment he steps in front of the camera. We learn about the challenges he faces, howhe works toward his goal, and about the impossible-to-repeat alchemy that must occurto capture the kind of scene that becomes legendary. As he explains, it’s impossible toperfect acting — but that’s exactly what motivates him to keep pursuing it.It is this constant process of improvement that ultimately shapes and changes cultureat large. Perfection, it turns out, is just an idea — the journey toward it is what’simportant.
In the film, Daniel selects some of his favorite lightweight bags from the HarrisonCollection including the Osborn Roll Top Backpack and the Gregory Sling. Relaunchedthis Spring, Harrison is a lightweight, stylish and minimalistic collection that deliversmajor functionality with clean silhouettes in lightweight nylon and pebbled leather.
Daniel’s Harrison Osborn Roll Top Backpack is his go-to bag when shooting on locationin a new city. Often leaving before the sun comes up and not returning until late atnight – he packs everything he needs for the day including workout clothes for the gymbefore shooting starts, as well as food, scripts, his laptop and more. The Gregory Slingis his choice for days off, where he can explore his new surroundings, keeping hisvaluables and daily essentials close to hand.Other bags from the Harrison collection featured in this campaign include theWarren Backpack and the Bradner Backpack.
“I love my TUMI backpacks. They are durable, resilient, resourceful,” says DanielHenney. “There's a pocket for everything and I never have to worry about getting themtoo scuffed up or ripped open. I've got TUMI bags from years ago that I can still usebecause they're so tough. And that's who I like to see myself as, as a person and as anactor—someone who can get through anything, someone who is tough and resilient.”Running alongside the film, the campaign also includes a number of key visuals, whichsee Daniel travelling with TUMI’s newest lightweight travel collection – 19 DegreePolycarbonate. Exclusive to Asia-Pacific, this collection of new stylish, lightweight yettough travel cases are designed to elevate the journey to the next level. Thebeautifully-designed and sophisticated exterior is paired with an assortment of newfeatures all designed to further perfect the journey, including expansion capabilities, aUSB Power port, extra security and upgraded wheel and handle systems for theultimate convenience and comfort.
“An absolute must when I travel for work, which can sometimes be at a moment’snotice. TUMI luggage is the first item I grab and the security of knowing it’s going tohold everything that’s important to me halfway around the world and back, is priceless,”Daniel shares, discussing his hectic travel schedule as an actor.“We see Daniel as a true global citizen always striving to perfect his journey,” saysVictor Sanz, Creative Director of TUMI. “Knowing the passion we both share for ourcrafts made it easy to connect with him on a deeper level. I’m excited to share the firstepisode in this incredible new series and look forward to sharing more to come.”The film will run globally across TUMI’s digital and social channels, including Instagram,Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.